Tuesday 2 July 2013

Design Project: Background バックグラウンド

Alright, I'm done with the submission and shall deal with the blog posts for the design project, yay ! \(*∇*)/ I shall divide the progress into parts, and post in different posts so that they won't get too messed up @__@

Here goes! Do pardon the difference in screenshots 0__0 the main background was done in the school computer lab, and as for the others.. the 1024x600 shots are from my netbook, and the 1280x800 shots are from my laptop. So do bear with me if you can't stand the inconstancy ;__;

I first added in a stock photo of cracked earth into the project, and started drawing out the lines according to the original photo. I actually drew it in my netbook using the touchpad, but only print screened it on the school computer, haha.

A big credits to Eve Livesey for the unrestricted stock photo!

Next, I simply painted out the background like a sunset (actually more like fire-y type of background to show the Earth burning and dying when technology attacks it). It's simple work though~ Just paint on the colors in separate layers and blur out the edges >w<

With the main background done with, I finished lining the cracked earth and painted on its base color: grey.

Next came texturing. It's pretty simple, just paint in the shadowing for each piece, and simply do a chaotic brushing over the whole thing and blur it. *laughs*

More texturing and highlighting and adjusting opacities + blurring and it's done!

Next comes trees! I used the stock by Jeanne Tyler Harmon, much credits to her! It made my work easy, haha. So here I arranged the trees given in the PSD file I downloaded of her stock.

Now paint !

Added shadowing and a little of texture here (the Dissolve layer function is fun to use in this case xD).

And that's it for the background! The androids and the eye are not clear in the sketch, and I wouldn't want to waste my time lining them, so I inked the sketch using my trusty 0.2 artliner and scanned it. Then I added it to my work and cleaned the white and unwanted parts, and I got this:

So background and lineart dealt with, hence the next post will be on painting already! Cheers~

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