Thursday 4 July 2013

Design Project: Outcome 結果

Alright, now with the progress shots dealt with, here's the final outcome post! The piece I have submitted is this:

This piece shows how technology affects us, where in the future, there might be androids taking over our Earth, along with a digital All-Seeing Eye which symbolizes the very heart of technology. To show that the Earth is taken over by technology, it is depicted by the cracked earth, dead tree, a dark atmosphere as well as the sunset-like background, which can also be seen as the sky being burnt or alighted on fire. The grey clouds and fog adds on to the dark feel too, and also adds on to a feeling of the Earth being burnt.

The symbolism of using the eye is that technology is created by vision, where we humans visualize a step further in improvising technology from what we already have at the moment. Androids are used instead of just objects as most of us have visualized that the world will soon be dominated by androids, robots, cyborgs and the like, while we humans lay back and enjoy a free life as we leave all the work to be done by the creations born from technology. But little do we know that in the long run, the androids may turn against us and fully dominate the Earth as their own planet. This can also be seen in movies such as iRobot.

And with that, it sums up my projects for this subject and this semester. Have a nice day, and cheers (again)!

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