Wednesday 3 July 2013

Design Project: Last Rush! ラストラッシュ!

Last Rush! There's a reason why I call this post that way. It's really because I literally RUSHED to complete it. Why? After the many painting and editing and detailing, I didn't save my file as it takes up too much time to save (300MB file, how would that NOT take up too much time??) and my laptop.. suddenly decided to give me the blue screen of death. ... And I had a really hard time trying to switch it on again, and when I finally got on again, and when I opened my PSD file, I got this:

... what. Just what. The androids aren't even painted yet!? So I started painting again..

I finally finished painting the girls again, and *POOF* went my laptop... again. And "fun" fact, I was so stressed out I cried. Plus, when I finally gave up on my laptop which kept giving me BSODs, I opened up my netbook... only to find a large burn on its screen. sigh. Well, the project has to be done with so I bulked up and did it anyway.

Painted them all over again, and done! (and yes it was 5am that time.. I didn't sleep at all~)

Added the gradient layer again~~

The cloud render makes a really cool effect, so I added it in and played with the brightness in order to let it blend into the background.

I decided the draw out the clouds myself, so here I went~ Played a lot with the smudge tool too, many thanks to the tutorial by sumydid

Manually added gradient~

Following a friend's advice, I blurred out the clouds and.. I'm done!

The next (and last) post will be the final outcome and its description, do keep in viewing! Cheers~

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