Wednesday 3 July 2013

Design Project: The Eye あの目

With the background and lineart dealt with, I was free to paint! So I started with the eye first.

Base colors done! Made white outlines and highlights around the lashes because it can't be seen thanks to the black body... But it looks better with it though! xD

Added detailing to its body~

I have to apologize for not screen shooting the shadings 0__0;; I forgot. It's just painting over the darker colors and blurring its edges yea~ And here, I added more detailing to the eyeball (you know how the pink sides of the eye has veins? :0

Eye completed!

Do pardon me as you realize that it's a short post with only 4 progress shots. But in my opinion, it's really more systematic and strategic when I divide them into parts no matter how little or many progress shots there are. Till the next post, cheers!

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