Saturday 29 June 2013

Design Project: Sketches スケッチ

Alright, the other posts on tutorials and exercises are done with, so the following posts starting from this one will be about the design project! This time, the theme is about "How technology affects us".

This post starts with the sketches of ideas I first came up with for the project.

1. This idea is about the evolution of technology. Every evolution is placed in separate room, and they're all in a box, which is held by a (our) palm. It kinda shows that technology has grown by the hands of humans too. Outside the box comes the threats that we might face as we indulge ourselves in technology.

2. Next, this idea is also about the evolution of technology, but more to the music industry. It is about how the radio has transformed to records, albums of artists, to TVs, and even voice synthesizers. The voice synthesizer highlighted hear is the Vocaloid voice system, where I have drawn the first of the Vocaloid 2 generation, Hatsune Miku in the sketch.

3. The sketch below is about how technology takes over the world, where the all-seeing eye is controlling everything. Androids have started to live on Earth, where the Earth itself starts to die and burn as the nature is no longer supported. And.. yeah, this idea is pretty philosophical. ははは

4. Last idea! This sketch is about "Mothering the Eye, or Eyeing the Mother." It's symbolized by the mother (Mother Nature) and the eye (technology). The title is such that there're two sides. Technology is taking over our lives slowly, and causing us to forget where everything has come about. Thus, it's "Eyeing the Mother" as technology is watching out for a chance to take over everything, including nature. On the other hand, nature is trying its best to embrace the fact that technology does exist alongside its own existence, thus "Mothering the Eye", which is also symbolize by the mother holding the eye close to her body.

And... the sketch that got approved is sketch no. 3 ! Here's a lineart of it (with mistakes because I didn't use the artliner for quite some time already ==).

That's all for this post about sketches! The next post will be about the background process for the project, do be patient >A<! Cheers~

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