Tuesday 18 June 2013

Photo Interpretation 写真判読

For this post, we were all instructed to choose a photo and interpret the photo and try to find the meaning or story behind the particular photo.

At this moment, I will be interpreting this photo:

Source: "untitled_55" by dihaze
In my opinion, this photo symbolizes calmness, peace, softness, beauty and loving. The bluish background exert a very calming, peaceful and non-chaotic atmosphere and makes me feel very cooled when looking at the photo. The softness of the photo can be seen in the usage of blur effects in the photo, and the lightly blushed cheeks. In addition, the lady is giving out a very soft type of facial expression, where it's very soothing and gives out a pretty neutral feeling when looked at.

Beauty is symbolized by the flowers on her head. I say that this photo has a loving atmosphere as the makeup the lady has on and the roses on her head are pink, which can symbolize love and care. Also, her soft expression is almost the same as how a mother looks at her child: full of love.

"A picture speaks a thousand words."

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