Thursday 4 July 2013

Design Project: Outcome 結果

Alright, now with the progress shots dealt with, here's the final outcome post! The piece I have submitted is this:

This piece shows how technology affects us, where in the future, there might be androids taking over our Earth, along with a digital All-Seeing Eye which symbolizes the very heart of technology. To show that the Earth is taken over by technology, it is depicted by the cracked earth, dead tree, a dark atmosphere as well as the sunset-like background, which can also be seen as the sky being burnt or alighted on fire. The grey clouds and fog adds on to the dark feel too, and also adds on to a feeling of the Earth being burnt.

The symbolism of using the eye is that technology is created by vision, where we humans visualize a step further in improvising technology from what we already have at the moment. Androids are used instead of just objects as most of us have visualized that the world will soon be dominated by androids, robots, cyborgs and the like, while we humans lay back and enjoy a free life as we leave all the work to be done by the creations born from technology. But little do we know that in the long run, the androids may turn against us and fully dominate the Earth as their own planet. This can also be seen in movies such as iRobot.

And with that, it sums up my projects for this subject and this semester. Have a nice day, and cheers (again)!

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Design Project: Last Rush! ラストラッシュ!

Last Rush! There's a reason why I call this post that way. It's really because I literally RUSHED to complete it. Why? After the many painting and editing and detailing, I didn't save my file as it takes up too much time to save (300MB file, how would that NOT take up too much time??) and my laptop.. suddenly decided to give me the blue screen of death. ... And I had a really hard time trying to switch it on again, and when I finally got on again, and when I opened my PSD file, I got this:

... what. Just what. The androids aren't even painted yet!? So I started painting again..

I finally finished painting the girls again, and *POOF* went my laptop... again. And "fun" fact, I was so stressed out I cried. Plus, when I finally gave up on my laptop which kept giving me BSODs, I opened up my netbook... only to find a large burn on its screen. sigh. Well, the project has to be done with so I bulked up and did it anyway.

Painted them all over again, and done! (and yes it was 5am that time.. I didn't sleep at all~)

Added the gradient layer again~~

The cloud render makes a really cool effect, so I added it in and played with the brightness in order to let it blend into the background.

I decided the draw out the clouds myself, so here I went~ Played a lot with the smudge tool too, many thanks to the tutorial by sumydid

Manually added gradient~

Following a friend's advice, I blurred out the clouds and.. I'm done!

The next (and last) post will be the final outcome and its description, do keep in viewing! Cheers~

Design Project: Detailing 詳述

With the main items done with, it was time for detailing and touch ups! Here we go~

Here, I have added a gradient layer to add a dark feel to the piece. It works well, I'm impressed! *A*

Adjusted opacity of the gradient layer~

Next, I tried to add in more details as the piece feels pretty empty. For this, I downloaded a set of cloud brushes but.. it looks weird so it's scrapped. :/

Played around more with opacity and such~

Manually added a dark gradient over the top to add more feel. Had to say that I'm loving it~

Shadowing of the characters.

Did another try at clouds~ Used the cloud rendering for this, looks pretty legit here :0 !!

That's all for this post! Next post will be about the final rush before the final outcome!! Have a nice day, and keep in viewing~

Design Project: Androids アンドロイド

Next up! The androids!! Painting them is a little pain in the neck (and spine and palm and fingers) but here're the progress shots on them!

Base coloring~ Using a cleaned lineart makes things real easy, I'm happy with that *w*

Added their details and an Outer Glow blending option~

Added shading and they're done! Time for detailing of the whole piece next!~

Design Project: The Eye あの目

With the background and lineart dealt with, I was free to paint! So I started with the eye first.

Base colors done! Made white outlines and highlights around the lashes because it can't be seen thanks to the black body... But it looks better with it though! xD

Added detailing to its body~

I have to apologize for not screen shooting the shadings 0__0;; I forgot. It's just painting over the darker colors and blurring its edges yea~ And here, I added more detailing to the eyeball (you know how the pink sides of the eye has veins? :0

Eye completed!

Do pardon me as you realize that it's a short post with only 4 progress shots. But in my opinion, it's really more systematic and strategic when I divide them into parts no matter how little or many progress shots there are. Till the next post, cheers!

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Design Project: Background バックグラウンド

Alright, I'm done with the submission and shall deal with the blog posts for the design project, yay ! \(*∇*)/ I shall divide the progress into parts, and post in different posts so that they won't get too messed up @__@

Here goes! Do pardon the difference in screenshots 0__0 the main background was done in the school computer lab, and as for the others.. the 1024x600 shots are from my netbook, and the 1280x800 shots are from my laptop. So do bear with me if you can't stand the inconstancy ;__;

I first added in a stock photo of cracked earth into the project, and started drawing out the lines according to the original photo. I actually drew it in my netbook using the touchpad, but only print screened it on the school computer, haha.

A big credits to Eve Livesey for the unrestricted stock photo!

Next, I simply painted out the background like a sunset (actually more like fire-y type of background to show the Earth burning and dying when technology attacks it). It's simple work though~ Just paint on the colors in separate layers and blur out the edges >w<

With the main background done with, I finished lining the cracked earth and painted on its base color: grey.

Next came texturing. It's pretty simple, just paint in the shadowing for each piece, and simply do a chaotic brushing over the whole thing and blur it. *laughs*

More texturing and highlighting and adjusting opacities + blurring and it's done!

Next comes trees! I used the stock by Jeanne Tyler Harmon, much credits to her! It made my work easy, haha. So here I arranged the trees given in the PSD file I downloaded of her stock.

Now paint !

Added shadowing and a little of texture here (the Dissolve layer function is fun to use in this case xD).

And that's it for the background! The androids and the eye are not clear in the sketch, and I wouldn't want to waste my time lining them, so I inked the sketch using my trusty 0.2 artliner and scanned it. Then I added it to my work and cleaned the white and unwanted parts, and I got this:

So background and lineart dealt with, hence the next post will be on painting already! Cheers~

Saturday 29 June 2013

Design Project: Sketches スケッチ

Alright, the other posts on tutorials and exercises are done with, so the following posts starting from this one will be about the design project! This time, the theme is about "How technology affects us".

This post starts with the sketches of ideas I first came up with for the project.

1. This idea is about the evolution of technology. Every evolution is placed in separate room, and they're all in a box, which is held by a (our) palm. It kinda shows that technology has grown by the hands of humans too. Outside the box comes the threats that we might face as we indulge ourselves in technology.

2. Next, this idea is also about the evolution of technology, but more to the music industry. It is about how the radio has transformed to records, albums of artists, to TVs, and even voice synthesizers. The voice synthesizer highlighted hear is the Vocaloid voice system, where I have drawn the first of the Vocaloid 2 generation, Hatsune Miku in the sketch.

3. The sketch below is about how technology takes over the world, where the all-seeing eye is controlling everything. Androids have started to live on Earth, where the Earth itself starts to die and burn as the nature is no longer supported. And.. yeah, this idea is pretty philosophical. ははは

4. Last idea! This sketch is about "Mothering the Eye, or Eyeing the Mother." It's symbolized by the mother (Mother Nature) and the eye (technology). The title is such that there're two sides. Technology is taking over our lives slowly, and causing us to forget where everything has come about. Thus, it's "Eyeing the Mother" as technology is watching out for a chance to take over everything, including nature. On the other hand, nature is trying its best to embrace the fact that technology does exist alongside its own existence, thus "Mothering the Eye", which is also symbolize by the mother holding the eye close to her body.

And... the sketch that got approved is sketch no. 3 ! Here's a lineart of it (with mistakes because I didn't use the artliner for quite some time already ==).

That's all for this post about sketches! The next post will be about the background process for the project, do be patient >A<! Cheers~

Thursday 27 June 2013

Pop art ポップアート

Pop art is one of the latest art movements there is, and is the movement that has given birth to other movements such as graffiti and street art. 

In relation to this unique movement, we are to make a pop art using our own photo, so I picked this photo of mine to play with (there are more things to paint on compared to other photos that I have):

And here is the outcome of making the original photo into a pop art:

That is all for this post!! Cheers! OwO)/