Wednesday 29 May 2013

Abstract Design アブストラクトのデーザイン

In class, everyone is taught the basic steps of Photoshop such as the brush tools, selection tools, et cetera.  Since I already know how to Photoshop things, I slacked a bit (yeah I know it's bad) and I started creating a magenta circle.. with a yellow circle in the magenta circle.. and a magenta circle in the yellow circle.. and it goes on .__.);;;

Then we were told to make an abstract art as our first Photoshop practice. So I.. distorted them using Wave distortion and adds all kinds of bits and pieces everywhere and there I go !

I basically made this out of randomness but you can see them as red blood cells or something. Maybe sweat flying. I don't know for sure, it's too abstract *shot*

Here's my abstract design:

That's it for this post I guess? Cheers.

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